Community groups are granted a boost

Published: Monday 17 March 2025

A view of Rutherglen Town Hall

Community groups in Rutherglen and Cambuslang have been supported with grants from the council.

The grants were approved at the latest meeting of the local Area Committee and will see more than £4700 of assistance given to seven worthy causes.

Three groups received funding with the aim of helping children and young people to thrive: Friends of James Aiton Primary School, Cambuslang, received £1500 for start-up equipment; Third Lanark Football Academy 2007, in Rutherglen, was granted £420 for equipment; and 2nd Rutherglen Brownies received £350 for outing costs and entrance fees.

In order to support people to live the healthiest lives possible, £992 was granted to Lightburn Elderly Association Project for equipment and £300 each to Cambuslang Bowling Club and Burnside Autumn for outings.

A grant was also made to Tempo Community CIC, in Rutherglen, with £850 of funding for equipment to support the group in inspiring learners, transforming learning and strengthening partnerships.

The community grants scheme was established and is run by the council to fund activities and projects that bring communities together and that promote educational, recreational, leisure and other activities, or improve the local environment. 

Support can be provided for a range of activities including administration and publicity costs, purchase of equipment and materials, annual outings and entrance fees, start-up costs and special events.

More information on the criteria, activities that attract funding, and the application process are available on the Community Grants page of the council website.